Effective Debt Collection Services in Singapore - Get Your Debts Resolved Today

  • Debt Collection
  • Aug 15, 2023


In order to successfully recover debts in Singapore, a strategic strategy must strike a balance among ethical standards, effective communication, and legal issues. Debt collectors must use crucial tactics to do this, which guarantee a win-win situation for all sides. These tactics consist on comprehending the debtors' situation, abiding by the applicable laws, being professional, and using negotiation techniques. These vital techniques for effective debt collection in Singapore are covered in this brief guide.

Understanding The Singapore Debt Collection Process

There are several alternatives in Singapore for recovering debt. Being a developed market, there are both in-court and out-of-court methods for debt collection. In Singapore, both of these options are quite successful at recovering debt.

Option Outside Of Court

In Singapore, out-of-court solutions are a very successful way to handle debt recovery. In general, three different types of measures can be taken in out-of-court settlements:
1) Conciliation: The debtor and creditor may meet to renegotiate a repayment schedule for the outstanding debt. This might be accomplished by providing a longer repayment period or a reduced repayment amount. In order to avoid paying attorney fees, a mutual settlement with the debtor is desired.
2) Hiring a Debt Collector: If the creditor lacks the time to follow the debtor, he may decide to cooperate with a debt collection company. The debt collectors will make an effort to come to a deal with the debtor. Before hiring, the creditor must confirm that the debt collecting service complies with the law and doesn't engage in any illegal activity.
3) Demand Letter: Creditors might pay a lawyer to draught and deliver a demand letter to the debtor. This letter details the debtor's exact amount owing, the seriousness of the situation, and the repercussions of non-payment. This approach is typically used to pursue evasive debtors, and a letter like this can prompt the debtor to respond. Later on, a letter of demand may be used in court documents as proof of the creditor's efforts to collect a debt.

The offer may not be accepted by the debtor, and a settlement may not be achieved, but it is still the most economical method of debt recovery. If this doesn't work, there are other solutions.

1) Small Claims Tribunal: When a debtor owes less than $20,000, a creditor may file a claim with the SCT. In SCT, hotel costs are not prohibitively high, and filing a claim does not require the services of an attorney. Unless both the creditor and the debtor increase it to $30,000, the claim limit is $20,000 per party. By using CorpPass or SingPass, the claim can be submitted online through the Community Justice Tribunal System. It is a system for resolving disputes quite quickly. Decisions made by the SCT may be enforced just like a court order. The circumstances under which a claim for debt recovery may be made in the SCT are listed in Schedule One of the Small Claims Tribunal Act. 
2) Civil Actions: In order to recover debt from the debtor, creditors may file civil lawsuits in a court. If the debt is substantial and the debtor is able to repay the loan but chooses not to, this alternative may be economically feasible. For this alternative, creditors may retain legal counsel. If they are successful in establishing that a debt is owed, the court will grant the creditor a judgement. A Writ of Seizure and Sale (WSS) or garnishee order may be used to carry out the order. The debtor's property is seized and sold through a WSS, and the proceeds are used to pay back the creditor. The court selects an officer to handle the process. When a third party owes money to the debtor personally, a garnishee order is issued. 
3) Bankruptcy Proceedings: If a debtor owes more than $15,000 in total debt, a creditor may file for bankruptcy against the debtor. This choice should only be made if the debtor lacks the financial means to pay back the debt. It should be emphasised that while the debtor's assets are distributed among all creditors, creditors often only receive a portion of what they are owed. When a bankruptcy case is filed, the interest on the debt also stops growing. To oversee the debtor's estates and create a strategy for the creditors to get paid back, the court names an Official Assignee.

The Singaporean Debt Recovery Process

Each scenario requires a different set of debt recovery procedures. To choose the appropriate course of action for debt collection, one should consult with a lawyer. The following lists the standard procedure for debt recovery in Singapore.
Step 1: A meeting with a lawyer is the initial step. This will make it easier for the attorney to comprehend the circumstances behind the debt the debtor owes. It will also assist the attorney in determining the best course of action to follow in order to recover the debt.
Step 2: Examining the debtor's surroundings and his assets is the next step in evaluating the debtor. We must determine if the debtor has the means to pay back the money and whether legal action is necessary.
Step 3: is the issuance of a letter of demand. The lawyer will provide this official document outlining the entire amount due, the seriousness of the circumstance, and the repercussions of non-payment. This is a crucial phase since the debtor will now understand the gravity of the situation and may now respond if they are being evasive. In court, this will be a crucial piece of evidence.
Step 4: Following the issuance of a Letter of Demand, the next step is typically to wait for a response and, if one is given, to engage in negotiations with the debtor. In such a letter, a deadline is specified, and the debtor must respond within that window of time. With the aid of a lawyer who carefully considers all the relevant facts and circumstances, a payment arrangement with the debtor may be formed. 
Step 5: A creditor may file a lawsuit against the debtor to recover the debt if an agreement cannot be reached or a response is not received. 
The court must be convinced that a debt is owed, and the legal documents must be filed on time. If the creditor is successful, the court will issue an order for the debtor to pay back the loan.
Step 6: A debtor may refuse to pay back the debt even after the court issues an order. The next action that can be taken is to enforce the order. This can be accomplished through the use of a lawyer, who can offer the best option for enforcing the order.

The debtor has the right to refuse to return the money owed to the creditor even after the court issues a judgement in the creditor's favour. In such a case, a creditor must acquire a Garnishee Order or a Writ of Seizure and Sale (WSS) in order to carry out the court's ruling. When a judgement is rendered in the creditor's favour, he is designated as the judgement creditor, and the person who owed him money is designated as the judgement debtor.

The Best Debt Collection Agency To Use In Singapore: How To Select

For a lending firm, hiring a reputable debt collection agency is crucial since it may maximise the amount of debt that is collected and paid back to you. The collector company should utilise open techniques while collecting debts and reporting to you so that a good relationship with your clients can be maintained in a good environment. The following advice will help you choose the best debt collection agency for your business.

           "Price shouldn't be the main consideration."

In general, it's advisable to take debt collection companies with higher recovery rates into account rather than choosing a company just on the basis of percentages obtained. This is due to the fact that many organisations operate inefficiently to collect debts that can be readily recovered while ignoring other debts. Therefore, even if a company charges a small hire % as its price, it is preferable to choose one that can offer a superior return on investment.

1. Communication and customer service

In general, it is usually preferable to have debt collection companies keep up your client ties. It is preferable to use a domestic collection agency to collect your debts since they will take care of both the debt collection and the maintenance of your customer connection. By providing debtors with collection strategies, the emphasis should be on early debt collection.

2. Partnership framework

If you make a debt collection agency a partner in your firm, they will deliver better outcomes. By managing your company's accounts receivables, they'll help you get paid while also improving the productivity of your workday. They can enhance your internal collection efforts because they are experts at doing so.

3. Background and prior performance

To gather the most accurate information about the collection agency, you should contact the companies and people that it has previously worked with. You can request information from the collecting agency about the people and companies who are familiar with them and how they operate. 

4. Verify the licence

According to the legislation for collection agencies, a company that collects debts must hold a current licence to operate in the state where it is located. To meet your needs, the collection agency you select to work with clients in the state must be regional. You should pick a collection firm that is authorised to collect money across the country if you have clients all over the country.

5. Review the reports

Most collection agencies frequently fail to provide their client with regular collection reports. A record of payment on any account, a report on recovery rates posted to your company's website, or at the very least a monthly statement should be provided by the debt collection agency you use.
“Following the advice in this article will help you choose the top debt collection agency in Singapore."

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Singapore's Primary Debt Collection Strategies

The worth and collectability of your portfolio of accounts receivable are influenced by a variety of factors. The following five crucial elements should be taken into account when deciding when to declare an account delinquent or non-paying 
the accounts' age - The capacity to recover a debt depends significantly on how old it is.  Your possibility of recovering a debt lowers the older it is. The negative consequences of keeping onto a past-due account are shown in the chart below.
1. Account location- Given the variety of restrictions, it's crucial to consider where your clients are located. States' and nations' laws and regulations differ from one another.  Furthermore, those regulations can have an impact on the statute of limitations and other alternatives for enforcement. Making decisions on placement requires an understanding of the geographic component.
2. The quantity and calibre of the documentation. One of the key factors in establishing the collectability of an account is the documentation. Your chances of recovering are increased by having email addresses and cell numbers in addition to the physical address and office phone number, particularly in light of the fact that many office workers now work remotely. Copies of invoices, account statements, credit applications, personal guarantees, and crucial correspondence between your business and the customer are among the additional crucial account paperwork, from the delinquent customer's company.
3. Work history of the accounts- Sharing your experience with your uncooperative client might assist us understand why they are uncooperative or what justifications they have previously used.  Knowing a little bit about the account's past helps us avoid wasting time by taking previously unsuccessful actions again.
4. Original Account Type- There are differences depending on the account type.  Was this a fresh client with no prior experience? Was this a pre-paid client that got lost in the system? Is this a trustworthy customer if they refuse to explain why they are not paying one invoice but are ignoring others?

In conclusion, successful debt collection in Singapore hinges on clear communication, empathy, professionalism, legal compliance, negotiation skills, meticulous documentation, timely follow-up, flexibility, technological integration, and continuous learning. By integrating these strategies, debt collectors can navigate the landscape effectively, recover debts, maintain positive relationships, and uphold industry standards.

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