- After receiving the case, we started our preliminary research, which showed that the debtor company was "Active."
- Interacting with the debtor revealed some internal conflicts among the board, and nobody was taking ownership.
- Pursuant to our rigorous follow-ups though the debtor assured to provide payment plan but failed to keep promise to provide.
- We saw that the debtor was actively attempting to avoid his responsibility. Given the situation, Our legal experts advised sending a wind-up petition to put pressure on them. which we gained the client's approval.
- We facilitated client with the legal cost wherein risk was bare minimum. We charged very nominal court fee upfront and increased our contingency fee only by 10% to cover other legal expenses.
As a result, the debtor received legal notice.
Again, the debtor made a commitment to pay but ultimately broke his word. As a result, a petition was filed to wind up the debtor company, and he was also given notice that the petition would be published if he did not resolve the situation.
The debtor attempted to contact the client at one point to ease the strain, but the client firmly encouraged the debtor to only contact DCA. After a few court appearances, the verdict was in our favor, and the client received the primary sum as well as all legal fees. Our client was not even obliged to travel for the proceedings ever.
From Fabric Disputes to Full Payment: Unraveling the Case of a Determined Exporter and a Challenging Importer in Bangladesh
Successful Debt Recovery through Persistent Efforts: A Case Study of Methanol Purchase in a Domestic Transaction
Mail Hacking/ Change Of Bank Account
Payment Under L/C: 90 Days From Date Of Shipment
Recovery Under Administration
Changing Payment Terms From D/P At Sight To D/A